- Belgian license plate
"I sell user-friendly and very comfortable horse trucks"
PAY ATTENTION!! OUR ADDRESS IS: Weduwestraat 12, 4884 MV, Wernhout (municipality of Zundert) NL
Buying a 2-horsetruck at MVV Horsetrucks?
More and more horse people from the Netherlands, Belgium and the rest of Europe are finding their way to MVV Horsetrucks. Not because I have such a beautiful showroom, but because I always offer very nice and beautiful used horse wagons for sale, which are also very competitively priced in accordance with price / quality. Buying a horse truck at MVV Horsetrucks is easy and so arranged. You can already drive the horse truck with your B driving license. The 2-horsetrucks are very user-friendly. Quickly to the vet or to a lesson, or to the forest, or to pick up or drop off a horse.
MVV Horsetrucks always works with high-quality horse trailers for sale and rental, including well-known brands such as TheaulT, Roelofsen, Anemone, Horsemobil, VTV, MTM, Barbot, Equitrek, Sodiak, Krismar, Stephex, ATM, etc .... It Buying a 2-horsetruck at MVV Horsetrucks is easy and arranged.
Buying today means driving today. Do you want to buy a 2-horse truck? You are welcome.
Please call in advance for a viewing appointment. You can call to buy a horsetruck: 0031(0)6-13840220. (Maurice van Vliet) Coffee is ready! Apply for a loan through MVV Horsetrucks is possible.